02. Study/Keras

Tensorflow & Keras 버전확인

미카이 2020. 4. 2. 23:40



List of Available Environments - FloydHub Documentation

edit Environments Below is the list of Deep Learning environments supported by FloydHub. Any of these can be specified in the floyd run command using the --env option. If no --env is provided, it uses the tensorflow-1.9 image by default, which comes with P


위 주소로 들어가면 확인할 수 있고, Docker Image 까지 다운로드 가능하다... 참좋다.


자주쓰는버전을 살펴보면

TensorFlow 2.0.0 + Keras 2.3.1 on Python 3.6.

TensorFlow 1.14.0 + Keras 2.2.5 on Python 3.6.

TensorFlow 1.11.0 + Keras 2.2.4 on Python 3.6.